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PF stands for Provident Fund and GPF stands for General Provident Fund. The Provident Fund is a savings plan with retirement, similar to the GPF. The GPF is associated with the PF of all government employees, while the PF refers to all companies and workers, employing more than 20 people. The budget has made changes to the rules related to PF, which investors have to worry about. The new tax rule will also apply to GPF.

. In what circumstances are Form-10B and Form-10G eligible to be filed in respect of cases relating to final payment?

Form-10B has been prescribed for regular age retirement / voluntary retirement / dismissal etc. While in case of death Form-10G is filled.

4. GPF before filing an employee case. How long before the deduction is due?

Before retirement, you have to give the option of stopping the deduction before 6 months.

5. How to get interest on employee's deposit and for how long?
How to get interest if the case is filed late after the employee retires?

Interest is earned on the deposit of the employee at the rate fixed by the Government from time to time.

Interest on the employee's deposit is received till the date of retirement. The action is then to be taken by the concerned office as the amount is refunded to the employee within 3 months after the case is filed for final payment.


Application Form for New GPF Account,

Download GPF upad Form, (Form - 10 GPF Final Withdrawal)

Download Nomination form
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